
(Fotos) Regresan las máscaras a las playas de China

Bañistas chinos visten coloridas máscaras para protegerse de los rayos solares en la playa de Qingdao, en Shandong. También resultan útiles para repeler insectos y medusas.

TOPSHOTS This picture taken on July 3, 2013 shows a Chinese beachgoer wearing a body suit and protective head mask, dubbed "face-kinis" by Chinese netizens, on a public beach in Qingdao, northeast China's Shandong province. The face masks were initially designed to protect from sunburn but it turns out they are also quite handy at repelling insects and jellyfish, as many people in China dislike getting a tan, especially on the face. CHINA OUT AFP PHOTO (STR/AFP)



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